No War On Cuba!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                 For More Information Contact:

MAY 13, 2003                                                                 Olivia Burlingame




No War On Cuba (NWC) Will Gather to Demonstrate

Support for Cuban Sovereignty


Opposition to the U.S. Government’s 44 Year War on Cuba

Who/What: Supporters of NWC, a new movement of groups and individuals in the Washington D.C. area dedicated to preventing U.S. government interference in, or attack upon the people and country of Cuba are gathering to demonstrate support for Cuban sovereignty and opposition to the U.S. Government’s continually escalating War on Cuba.

Where: The Cuban Interests Section: 2630 16th Street NW, Washington D.C.

When: Saturday, May 17, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. EST

No War On Cuba (NWC) to Gather to Protest

Treasury Department Harassment of Cuba

Who/What: NWC will hold a protest demonstration at the U.S. Treasury Department, to call public attention to the U.S. Government’s ongoing and newly aggressive harassment of Cuban and American citizens, through its selective enforcement of laws preventing Americans from traveling freely to Cuba and the internationally condemned laws punishing people worldwide for doing business with Cuba.

Where: The U.S. Treasury Department – 15th & Pennsylvania NW, Washington D.C.

When:  Monday, May 19, 2003 at 5 p.m. EST